Continued Development of the 2021 "Desa Cinta Statistik" Program - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Continued Development of the 2021 "Desa Cinta Statistik" Program

Continued Development of the 2021 "Desa Cinta Statistik" Program

July 28, 2022 | Other Activities

In the midst of being busy with various processing activities and document entry, the IPDS Function as well as the 2021 Program Desa Cantik" Development Team again made visits and continued coaching to Cileuya Village, Subdistrict of Cimahi as a village that has been nominated to participate in the 2021 "Desa Cantik " Village Program which will continue with the same program in 2022.

During this visit, the Chair of the Beautiful Village Program Development Team as well as the coordinator of the IPDS function BPS Statistics of the Kuningan Regency Mr. Andriyanto, S.Si, conveyed an explanation of the essence of the beautiful village program, the components and expectations and what programs to be achieved through this program.

In the next session, a member of the "Desa Cantik" Development team, Mr. Budi Setia Budi, S.IP, presented an explanation of village publications in numbers. This publication is expected to be able to become a basic data and reference for village development programs.

In the presentation also presented about the methodology, the equation of concepts and definitions as well as what types of data can be collected in the village for further publication in the form of hard copies / books or soft copies.

At the end of the training, a return visit schedule is arranged for at least the next 1 month.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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