August 31, 2022 | Other Activities
In accordance with the BPS RI program which is in line with the central government program which instructs that villages are no longer only objects of development, but must be the subject of the implementation of development itself.
To realize this program, of course, villages must be equipped with various knowledge, including knowledge and data management technology, which of course is widely available in every village.
In line with this program, BPS RI through its "Desa Cantik" village program began to explore the potential of village human resources to be more literate and care about data.
Furthermore, village officials are expected to be able to become pioneers in managing data resources in their respective villages.
In 2022 the "Desa Cantik " Program in Kuningan Regency chose Luragung Tonggoh Village as a nomination for Desa Cinta Statistik to be fostered in accordance with the goals and expectations of the BPS RI program
The "Desa Cantik" development team BPS Kuningan Regency consisting of Mr. Asep Hermansyah, S.ST as the person in charge accompanied by Mr. Endang Maman Rusmana, S.IP and Mr. Irwan Dolly PS, S.IP as the coaching team made an initial visit to deliver the beautiful village program to the Head Luragungtonggoh Village and Village apparatus, Luragung District
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho
Kuningan 45513
Jawa Barat - Indonesia
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