BPS contribution on the 524th anniversary of Kuningan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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BPS contribution on the 524th anniversary of Kuningan Regency

BPS contribution on the 524th anniversary of Kuningan Regency

September 1, 2022 | Other Activities

The momentum of the 524th anniversary of Kuningan Regency can be used as a mirror to evaluate the role of the Kuningan Regency BPS in supporting the development that has been carried out by the Kuningan Regency government.

Precisely on September 1, which has been designated as the anniversary of Kuningan Regency, through an annual routine agenda in the form of a plenary session of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) in listening to the Accountability Report (LPJ) of the Kuningan Regent for the past year.

In this annual ceremonial event, BPS Kuningan Regency also received an invitation to attend and listen to the Kuningan Regent's Annual LPJ in the plenary meeting.Present to fulfill the invitation, this year BPS Kuningan Regency was represented by Mr. Andriyanto, S.Si as the IPDS Function Coordinator.

Indeed, the direct role and contribution of BPS to physical development in Kuningan Regency is not seen significantly. However, from the description of the Regent's LPJ, it can be implied that the role and contribution of BPS to development in Kuningan Regency this year.

but since the issuance of the Presidential Regulation on One Indonesian Data which continues to be followed up until the Regency level becomes One Kuningan Data, the role of BPS has become clearer by using BPS data as a reference and basic data for the development of Kuningan Regency.
Another significant role of the Kuningan Regency BPS is the establishment of BPS as a data builder in the Kuningan One Data Program as well as a referral and recommendation center for every statistical activity in Kuningan Regency
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