Supervision of Household Updates SUSENAS September 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Supervision of Household Updates SUSENAS September 2022

Supervision of Household Updates SUSENAS September 2022

September 3, 2022 | BPS Activities

After finalizing the results of the Long Form of 2020 Population Census processing and the enumeration and processing of the August 2022 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas), in September 2022 the BPS Statistic of  Kuningan Regency is again facing the Semester Routine Survey Agenda in the form of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas).

As usual, the implementation of the 2022 Susenas field enumeration begins with updating the list of households in the sample Selected Census Blocks. Furthermore, from the updated list of households, 10 households will be selected from each Census Block.

According to Mrs. Tuti Juhaeti, S.ST, MSi as the Coordinator of the Social Statistics Function, BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regenncy, number of samples for the September 2022 Susenas were 19 census blocks which were carried out by 10 Field Enumerators from BPS Statistics Partners  and 3 Examiners (PML) from BPS Organic Employees.

Starting the period of updating the household list, Mr. Agus Mulyono, S.IP as PML seemed to accompany Mr. E.Koswara, PCL statistical partner who was updating households on the Selected Census Block in Bakom Hamlet, Pamupukan Village, Subdistrict of Ciniru.

Pamupukan Village itself is one of nine villages in Ciniru Subdistrict, which lies about 9 km from the Ciniru Subdistrict Office and approximately 27 km from the Center of Kuningan Regency. With the topography of the village in the form of hills and the majority of the population's livelihood from the agricultural sector.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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