The first call of the new head of the BPS Kuningan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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The first call of the new head of the BPS Kuningan Regency

The first call of the new head of the BPS Kuningan Regency

September 5, 2022 | Other Activities

Today, Monday 5 September 2022, Ms. Irna Afrianti S.Si, M.E, the Head of the BPS Kuningan Regency who was just appointed 3 days earlier, led the implementation of the Weekly Routine Appeal which was held in the yard of the Office of BPS Statistics Kuningan Regency.

The morning rally which is routinely held every Monday morning is attended by the Head of the General Sub-Section, all Function Coordinators, Statistics Functionalists, and General Functionalists at the Kuningan Regency BPS Office as well as a number of Field Work Practice (PKL) participants from several Vocational High Schools and Universities that is conducting an internship program for its students.

In her mandate, the head of the Kuningan Regency BPS, who acts as the Apple Trustee, conveyed her greetings of introduction and an invitation to all Kuningan Regency BPS employees to work together to synergize and collaborate to meet BPS tasks in the future, especially the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration Program.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho

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