Corrdination and Recruitment The Regsosek Officers of Kadugede Subdictrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Corrdination and Recruitment The Regsosek Officers of Kadugede Subdictrict

Corrdination and Recruitment The Regsosek Officers of Kadugede Subdictrict

September 12, 2022 | BPS Activities

The series of preparations for the implementation of the national program in the form of the Initial Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection (Regsosek) in 2022 has simultaneously been carried out in every sub-district in Kuningan regency. Based on the schedule, September 12 is the start of online registration for prospective Regsosek 2022 field officers. Previously, information about Regsosek activities had been widely spread among the public, so public interest in this activity was quite high.

In relation to local governments, especially village and sub-district administrations, Monday 12 September 2022, Mr. Asep Hermansyah, S.ST as an Organic Employee of BPS Statisttics of Kuningan Regency who was assigned as the Kadugede subdistrict Census Coordinator (Koseka) together with a team consisting of prospective officers and village coordinators, visited friendship, activity reports, and coordination in preparation for the 2022 Regsosek implementation in Kadugede subdistrict.

Kadugede Sub-district Head, Mr. Maryanto, S.STP, M.Sc. directly welcomed the visit of the Regsosek Implementing Team of Kadugede subdistrict in his office. He also welcomes and supports the implementation of government programs that aim to build a data program for social protection and community empowerment. He asked all prospective officers who have registered and who will be recruited to work seriously, earnestly and always refer to the guidelines and Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for the initial Regsosek data collection which of course has been prepared with careful consideration.

Mr. Asep Hermansyah, S.ST also conveyed about the need for regsosek field officers in Kadugede District as many as 46 people consisting of 36 Field Enumerators (PPL), 9 Inspectors and Field Supervisors (PML) and a District Census Coordinator (Koseka). For the workload, each PPL will record about 250 families. a PML will check and supervise the implementation of the enumeration of 4 PPLs and a Koseka will be responsible for coordinating and directing a maximum of 8 PMLs.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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