Regsosek 2022, Changing Poverty Alleviation With Honest Culture - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Regsosek 2022, Changing Poverty Alleviation With Honest Culture

Regsosek 2022, Changing Poverty Alleviation With Honest Culture

September 13, 2022 | BPS Activities

Regsosek 2022, Changing Poverty Alleviation With Honest Culture

Reducing poverty is a priority agenda in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN 2005-2025). This Millennium Development Agenda became aligned, where 189 countries adopted the agreement and was born from the agreement of 147 heads of government and heads of state at the Millennium Summit in New York, September 2000. This declaration was entitled “Millennium Development Goals” (Millennium Development Goals). Goals – MDGs), which consists of 8 goals: (1) Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; (2) Realizing basic education for all; (3) Encouraging gender equality and empowering women (4) Reducing child mortality; (5) Improving the health of pregnant women; (6) Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; (7) Ensuring environmental sustainability; and (8) developing a global partnership for development. Qualitative and quantitative targets were measured into eight main objectives, starting in 1990 and expected to be achieved by 2015 (BPS and UNICEF, 2009).

Another study on the influence of cultural values ​​on poverty was carried out by a leading Indonesian anthropologist, Koentjaraningrat. Some of the characters of cultural values ​​expressed by these social scientists need to be reinterpreted in today's modern era. To overcome this dominant culture, it is necessary to create a "matching culture", which is to create a part of the population of a society that strongly adheres to or embraces one or more cultural values ​​that are different from the values ​​that exist in the dominant culture (Sujono, 2013). . A counter culture in the context of poverty cultural values, several of them can be raised: (1) A hypocritical culture is countered with a culture of honesty and straightforwardness; (2) Feudal culture is opposed to egalitarian culture; (3) The culture of underestimating time is contrasted with the culture of respecting time (time is money); (4) The culture of cutting through is opposed to the culture of queuing; (5) The culture of recklessness is countered by a culture of discipline. Some of these cultural values ​​can be an initial provision for understanding the potential for more progressive cultural values ​​to encourage progress.

Socio-Economic Registration Activities in 2022

This activity is aimed at taking notes to develop the country; One Data on Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs. Activities aimed at collecting data related to the socio-economic conditions of the population/household as a whole in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Data collection activities will be carried out from October to November 2022.

It takes honesty from every perpetrator, both officers and respondents of this Regsosek activity. Without honesty from both parties, especially respondents (in fact, households) in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, it will certainly be very difficult for the state / government to carry out programs that can and are able to create good social protection and effective community empowerment.

To all citizens of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia wherever they are, please allow them to be able to give honest answers and in accordance with the reality. The success of Regsosek is the beginning of the success of the social protection program in our beloved country.

This paper is a combination of several scientific literacy

Written by : Asep Hermansyah, S.ST

Young Expert Statistics, at BPS Kuningan Regency

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