Increasing the BPS-Statistics of Kuningan HR Capacity by West Java BPS Rabu Rebi Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Increasing the BPS-Statistics of Kuningan HR Capacity by West Java BPS Rabu Rebi Activities

Increasing the BPS-Statistics of Kuningan HR Capacity  by West Java BPS Rabu Rebi  Activities

January 10, 2024 | Other Activities

The West Java Provincial Central Statistics Agency, led by Mr. Marsudijono, over the last few years has consistently carried out activities to develop and increase the human resource capacity of BPS employees, both internally at BPS West Java Province and BPS Regency/City Employees throughout West Java Province.

The activity which is held once a week is entitled Rabu Rebi which is usually held every Wednesday starting at 08.30 until finished, filled with the presentation of material by resource persons which is carried out offline in the West Java Province BPS Video Conference Room (Vicon) and is also broadcast live via Zoom. Meetings and YouTube Channels.

At the first Wednesday Rebi activity in 2024, the theme raised/presented was "Integrating Gender Perspectives into Statistics" with the speaker Mrs. Dina Nur Rahmawati, SST, MIS. He is a BPS employee of West Java Province who has just finished carrying out his postgraduate study assignments from Ewha Womans University, South Korea.

At BPS Kuningan Regency, on the instructions of the Head of BPS Kuningan Regency, Mrs. Irna Afrianti, S.Si, M.E, all BPS Kuningan Regency employees listened to the Rabu Rebi activities held by BPS West Java Province through zoom meeting facilities in the BPS Kuningan Regency hall.

This Rabu Rebi activity raised the theme of gender equality, discussing in more depth about Gender and the Development Agenda, Availability of gender data

BPS work related to gender, Gender Concepts, Gender Statistics and Gender statistics vs Sex-disaggregated data

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho

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