Refreshing Regency/City BPS Website Management in West Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Refreshing Regency/City BPS Website Management in West Java Province

Refreshing Regency/City BPS Website Management in West Java Province

January 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Since the change in the paradigm for disseminating public information which is more inclined towards digital with paperless technology, the use of print media as a means of publicizing BPS activity products has decreased. Apart from considerations of speed of time and a more limited reach with print media technology, consideration of costs and adaptation to changes in information technology are factors driving the shift in the pattern of information dissemination and publication of BPS data via digital media.

In line with this thinking, the BPS Website media, from the Central Level, Provincial BPS to Regency/City BPS, has become one of the main mainstays of BPS in carrying out its vision as a Quality Data Provider for Advanced Indonesia. Through the website, BPS can display various activities, information and the latest data that has been collected, processed and analyzed by BPS. Through the website, BPS can also interact with all stakeholders who use/utilize BPS data and publications.

To further improve the quality of the appearance and content of the BPS website, the West Java Province BPS IPDS Function, starting Friday 26 January 2024, will gradually organize refreshing training and coaching activities for managing the district/city BPS website. This activity involves all employees in the IPDS function at BPS districts/cities throughout West Java.

The IPDS function of BPS Kuningan Regency also actively participated in this refreshing activity. Led directly by Andrianto, S.Si as IPDS Function coordinator, this activity was attended by three other employees in the IPDS function, namely, Abu Bukhori, S.Kom, Irwan Dolly PS, S.IP and Budi Setia Budi, S.IP. Meanwhile, another IPDS function employee, Ieddin Mufied, could not take part in this activity because at the same time he was taking part in the online Susenas Field Officer Training activity.

At the inaugural meeting, the material presented in this refreshing activity was a method for updating and adding dynamic tables to the content of the district/city BPS website. Appearing as a speaker in this activity was a Young Expert Computer Officer in the IPDS Function of BPS West Java Province, Mr. Firman Hadian, S.ST., M.Si

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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