Handover of Management of the Dharma Wanita Association BPS Kuningan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Handover of Management of the Dharma Wanita Association BPS Kuningan Regency

Handover of Management of the Dharma Wanita Association BPS Kuningan Regency

April 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Simultaneously with the Farewell and Dismissal activities for Kuningan Regency BPS employees who transferred their duties to other Regency/City BPS, a handover of positions and management of the Kuningan Regency BPS Dharma Wanita Association (DWP) was also carried out.

This handover activity was carried out considering that the previous chairman of the Kuningan Regency BPS DWP, Mrs. Sri Haryati, S.IP, was one of the Kuningan Regency BPS employees who had transferred duties to the Cirebon City BPS, so that by itself it was not possible for him to serve as chairman of the Kuningan Regency BPS DWP.

Meanwhile, the person who replaced him as chairman of the Kuningan Regency BPS DWP was Mrs. Maystika Sulistyana, A.Md, where she is the wife of the Head of the General Sub-Section of the Kuningan Regency BPS, Mr. Aditya Rizqi. S.E. considering that the Chairman or Head of the Kuningan Regency BPS is currently held by a woman, the position of Chair of the DWP is automatically transferred to the wife of an active employee at the Kuningan Regency BPS, which in this case is held by the wife of the head of the General Subdivision of the Kuningan Regency BPS.

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