Romantik of BPS requested again by the Kuningan Regional Government - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Romantik of BPS requested again by the Kuningan Regional Government

Romantik of BPS requested again by the Kuningan Regional Government

July 13, 2022 | Other Activities

Only two days after the fulfillment of the request from the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappeda) of Kuningan Regency, the request for assistance in filling out the online Statistical Activity Recommendation Form (Romantik) came back. This time it was the Kuningan Regency Population and Civil Registry Service (Disdukcapil) that sent the request for assistance.

In the midst of his busy schedule of processing the Wilkerstat Map and repairing the results of the Long Form SP 2020, the Kuningan Regency BPS Romantic Team, swiftly and quickly responded to the request for assistance.

in July, 13th , with the same composition of the team when providing assistance to Romantik Online at Bappeda, the team consisting of Mr. Andriyanto, S.Si and Mr. Abu Bukhori, S.Kom immediately rushed to the office of the Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) Kuningan Regency, which is located at Ancaran Village, sub district of Kuningan.

Similar to what was done in Bappeda, mentoring activities at Disdukcapil were also carried out by providing directions and steps to be taken by the agency/institution that required recommendations for statistical activities from BPS.

In general, there are two kinds of recommendations for statistical activities that can be submitted by other agencies to BPS, namely:


Statistical activities in the form of sectoral surveys are required to notify the plan for conducting the survey using the Sectoral Statistical Survey Notification Form (FS3).

2. Administration Product Compilation

Statistical activities in the form of compilation of administrative products can request recommendations by using the Notification Form for Compilation of Administrative Products (FP-KPA).

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho

Kuningan 45513

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