Finalization Briefing of building point digitization LFSP Map 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Finalization Briefing of building point digitization LFSP Map 2020

Finalization Briefing of building point digitization LFSP Map 2020

August 12, 2022 | BPS Activities

Entering the end of the processing and digitization of building points for the 2020 Population Census Long Form map, the IPDS function of the Kuningan Regency BPS, through Mr. Andriyanto, S.Si as the coordinator of the IPDS function as well as the Regional Instructor for processing the ST 2023 wilkerstat map and digitizing building points The results of the LFSP 2020 again held a refreshing and briefings accompanied by practical tutorials for the processing officers of the Wilkerstat Map and the 2020 LF Map.

This Refreshing Briefing activity was carried out considering the length of time span for the processing of the Wilkerstat ST 2023b map and the 2020 LFSP map, which began in early May 2022.

It is hoped that with this refreshing briefing, map processing officers can refresh their knowledge and abilities in processing and digitizing analog maps into digital maps.

Thus, the processing and digitization of maps, both the Wilkerstat St 2022 map and the digitization of the 2020 LFSP building points, can be completed on time with the expected quality.

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