Monitoring of documents entry of Sakernas August 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Monitoring of documents entry of Sakernas August 2022

Monitoring of  documents entry of Sakernas August 2022

August 28, 2022 | BPS Activities

Ensuring the entry / processing results are in accordance with the contents of the National Labor Force Survey Enumeration Results Documents (Sakernas August 2022), the Social Statistics Function Coordinator (KF) directly monitors the document entry process at the IPDS Function of the BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regency.

According to Mrs. Tuti Juhaeti, S.ST, M.Si as the Subject Meter of the Sakernas August 2022 in Kuningan Regency, The Implementation of document entry / processing process is an integrated part that contributes to maintaining the quality of Sakernas data.

As it is known that one of the outputs of Sakernas data in general, is the basic data on sustainable employment. In particular, to obtain information/data on the number of people who are working and looking for work and their development at the national, provincial and even district levels.

For this reason, in order to maintain the quality of the data that will be produced, every stage of the activity starting from the recruitment of officers, the implementation of training, the implementation of enumeration and field supervision to the entry/document processing stage, needs serious attention so that it is carried out in accordance with the SOP that has been determined.

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