Release of Official Statistics News, Actualization of BPS Promise to the Public - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Release of Official Statistics News, Actualization of BPS Promise to the Public

Release of Official Statistics News, Actualization of BPS Promise to the Public

September 1, 2022 | Other Activities

Changes in every sector that occur very quickly in the world of telecommunications and information have a very strong impact on the readiness of BPS to meet the needs of data users.

Law No. 16 of 1997 on statistics mandated to BPS As a state institution that is responsible for providing reliable and reliable statistical data for all, considering that the need for data is currently a primary need that inevitably must be fulfilled in order to maintain the sustainability of various national development programs and even other sectors outside the government which depend on data.

As stated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data, that data is already a new source of wealth that is more valuable than oil. This further emphasizes the existence of data that is increasingly crucial for the continuation of development in various sectors.

In line with the development of advances in digital technology and information technology, as well as as an actualization of BPS' promise to the public to ensure the availability of reliable statistical data for all, BPS routinely releases

Official Statistical News which is a vehicle for quickly announcing and disseminating the results of statistical activities organized by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

Official Statistics News (BRS) is periodically published every month in the first week or at any time if there is a Statistical News which is deemed necessary to be published due to the latest and significant developments in phenomena.

In line with this obligation, on September 1, 2022, the BPS of West Java Province carried out the Official Statistics News Release which was directly submitted by the head of the BPS of West Java Province, Mr. Marsudijono, S.E, MM.

The strategic data presented by the Head of West Java BPS in BRS on September 1 yesterday, still revolved around the following data:

1. Development of West Java Consumer Price Index (CPI)/Inflation

2. Development of Farmers' Exchange Rates, Producer Prices of Grain and Rice in West Java Mills

3. Development of Hotel Room Occupancy Rates in West Java

4. Export and Import Development of West Java Province

5. West Java Transportation Statistics

BRS only contains a brief presentation of phenomena related to statistics in the economic field, the field of people's welfare and other fields. For more complete and detailed data, BPS still has the obligation to present it in regular publications.

The publication and dissemination of BRS are fully the responsibility of BPS, both at the central and regional BPS levels, starting from the Provincial BPS and BPS statistics of Regency / Municipality

BRS is now one of the faces of BPS and is tangible evidence of the actualization of BPS' promises to the public, to data users of the readiness of BPS to provide data that is actually reliable and reliable.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho

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