Selection of Candidates for KOSEKA Partners REGSOSEK 2022 BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Selection of Candidates for KOSEKA Partners REGSOSEK 2022 BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regency

Selection of Candidates for KOSEKA Partners REGSOSEK 2022 BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regency

September 7, 2022 | BPS Activities

Step by step the preparation of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection at BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regency has begun. After the recruitment stage for Koseka partner candidates which took place for two days on September 5 and 6, 2022, Today, Wednesday, September 7, 2022, the preparation stage for the Pre-Regsosek Data Collection was continued with file selection activities and direct interviews with Koseka Mitra candidates which will last for 1 day. , starting at 09.00 WIB until 12.00 WIB.

Ms. RA Leisa Triana, S.Si, M.Si, as the head of the selection committee said that the number of participants who will take part in the selection phase is 37 people, all of which come from sub-districts where there is no organic koseka or the number of organic koseka placed in the sub-district is indeed less than the number of koseka needed.

The selection stage consists of two sub-selections, namely the selection of completeness and examination of the requirements file, followed by an interview test for the prospective coseka by the assessor team consisting of 11 people from the Function Coordinators, Head of General Sub-Section and Functional Statistics and General Functional BPS statisrics of Kuningan Regency.

Opening as well as providing direction, Mr. Agus Awaluddin, S.Sos, MM appealed and emphasized the importance of Koseka candidates understanding the important role and Main Duties and Functions of Koseka. In addition, awareness and responsibility to work according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is absolutely necessary.

In her next speech, the Coordinator of the Social Statistics Function, Mrs. Tuti Juhaeti, S.ST, M.Si conveyed the importance of partner co-selects always coordinating with organic co-sectors in the recruitment stage for enumerators and field examiners, which required quite a large number. It is highly recommended that recruitment will pay attention to and coordinate with the sub-district government and village government, so that when there are problems in the future, the village and sub-district parties will quickly respond to help with solutions and take responsibility for the results of the field enumeration.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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