Online Registration in Sobat BPS Application in Jalaksana Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Online Registration in Sobat BPS Application in Jalaksana Subdistrict

Online Registration in Sobat BPS Application in Jalaksana Subdistrict

September 13, 2022 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, September 13, 2022 is the second day since the online registration of candidates for the Socio-Economic Initial Data Collection (Regsosek) was opened by the BPS Statsitics of Kuningan Regency. The number of registrants who have registered online is continuously monitored by the registration committee. To date, there have been 899 prospective officers who have registered online on the BPS Buddy Application.

From this number, it turns out that there are still many prospective registrants who have not completed registration on the application. Among some mistakes that are still made by prospective registrants are the existence of several unclear email accounts, non-standard passwords with the Buddy application and there are still many prospective registrants who have not activated and re-login.

To anticipate and avoid reoccurrence of errors in the online registration process on the BPS Buddy Application, several prospective Regsosek officers of the Jalaksana District who were assigned and have received recommendations from the village head where they live, this afternoon gathered at the Multipurpose Building, Sembawa Village, Jalaksana Subdistrict to take part in the event. online registration tutorial for prospective Regsosek Field Officers in Jalaksana Subdistrict.

Those who attended this meeting were candidate officers from Sembawa Village, Peusing Village, Padamenak Village and Nanggerang Village. The Coordinator of the Sub-District Census (Koseka) at the Initial Regsosek Data Collection in Jalaksana District, Mr. Budi Setia Budi, S.IP who was also present at this meeting conveyed the importance of being careful and paying attention to every stage in the online registration of Regsosek officer candidates to avoid mistakes made can result in data locking by the application which can make the registrant fail in this online officer registration.

With the number of families reaching more than 15 thousand, the number of Regsosek Field Officers needed in Jalaksana District is 80 people consisting of 64 Field Enumerators (PPL) and 16 Field Supervisors and Examiners (PML). Each PPL will enumerate about 250 families while a PML will check and supervise the implementation of the enumeration of 4 PPLs. Furthermore, a Koseka will coordinate as many as 8 PML. Thus, for Jalaksana District, 2 Koseka are needed.

As of today at 16.00 the number of prospective Regsosek officers from Jalaksana District who have registered online on the BPS Buddy Application has only reached 55% or only 44 people from the total number of officers needed as many as 80 people.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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