Commemoration of National Statistics Day BPS Kuningan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Commemoration of National Statistics Day BPS Kuningan Regency

Commemoration of National Statistics Day BPS Kuningan Regency

September 26, 2022 | Other Activities

September 26 is a very important and historical moment for the Central Statistics Agency, where the government set this date as the birthday of the Central Statistics Agency, hereinafter better known as National Statistics Day. September 26 was chosen or determined as National Statistics Day with the consideration that on September 26, 1960, Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning Statistics was promulgated.

After two years of experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic where the activities of large community associations were severely restricted in relation to the policy for the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) used to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2022 after the Government revoked the PPKM instruction, BPS again held a commemoration of National Statistics Day. openly involve all organic employees and statisticians as well as various partners and stakeholders who are related and work together with BPS.

At the central level, BPS holding HSN is filled with various events and competitions as well as awarding (BPS Awards) to various agencies/agencies including private parties who have contributed and collaborated well with BPS.

One of the events that is also awaited by all Statistics personnel throughout Indonesia, is the holding of the election and awarding of National Exemplary Personnel (IST) which will be broadcast live through the official You Tube channel owned by BPS.

Meanwhile, for BPS Kuningan Regency. in the midst of interview test activities for Regsosek Officer Candidates as part of a series of preparations for the Implementation of the 2022 Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) Initial Data Collection Activities, the implementation of the HSN Commemoration was held in a simple manner by holding a Virtual Alert Call together with all Regency City BPS and Provincial BPS by witnessing the apples directly. HSN warning at BPS RI. This time the HSN Warning Alert Call was held in a room, namely in the BPS Statistics Meeting Room Hall of Kuningan Regency.

Also in the event, after attending the virtual apple, the Head of BPS Statistics for Kuningan Regency, Mrs. Irna Afrianti, S.Si, M.E gave an award to Mr. Nono Suharno, S.IP who has excelled as an Exemplary Statistic Person in 2022 from BPS Statistics of Kuningan Regency

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho

Kuningan 45513

Jawa Barat - Indonesia

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