BPS Kuningan Regency's Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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BPS Kuningan Regency's Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS)

BPS Kuningan Regency's  Evaluation of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS)

February 1, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS Kuningan Regency through the Agency Assessment Team (TPB) at the end of January 2023 has completed an assessment of the Internal Assessment Team (TPI) from the Kuningan Regency Government. This assessment is called the Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS), where this EPSS has been regulated in the Central Statistics Agency Regulation number 3 of 2022 which explains that EPSS is a systematic assessment process through verification and validation of information on the results of self-assessments to measure the level of maturity of the implementation of Sectoral Statistics.

EPSS aims to measure the progress of the implementation of Sectoral Statistics at Central Agencies and Regional Governments, improve the quality of Sectoral Statistics implementation at Central Agencies and Regional Governments, and improve the quality of public services in the field of statistics at Central Agencies and Regional Governments. To carry out the EPSS within the Kuningan Regency Government, an Internal Assessment Team (TPI) was formed where members of this team consisted of team members from the Diskominfo, Disdukcapil, and the Food Crops Agriculture Service.

Outcomes to be achieved in this EPSS activity include that with EPSS quality statistics will be obtained to increase public trust; Utilization of data for policy making and measuring the success of national development; and Utilization of data by the public, academia, the private sector and international institutions, to be able to contribute to national development.

This EPSS assessment has maturity levels which are grouped into 5 maturity levels consisting of Level 1-Stub, namely the process of implementing sectoral statistics has not been carried out by all work units. Level 2 - Managed, namely the process of implementing sectoral statistics has been carried out by all work units, but still uses standards that only apply to the work unit itself. Level 3-Defined, namely the process of implementing sectoral statistics has been harmonized and then a standard/guideline has been established by the unit that carries out the management function and applies to all work units within the organization.

The next maturity level at level 4 is Integrated and measurable, namely the process of providing sectoral statistics has been carried out in an integrated manner and has contributed to organizational performance. The performance of sectoral statistics can be measured through review and evaluation activities in each process. Meanwhile at the highest level, Level 5-Optimum, namely the process of implementing sectoral statistics, quality improvement has been carried out on an ongoing basis based on the results of the review and evaluation.

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