Providing Materials and Uniforming Definition Concepts for Susenas 2024 BPS Kuningan officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Providing Materials and Uniforming Definition Concepts for Susenas 2024 BPS Kuningan officers

Providing Materials and Uniforming Definition Concepts for Susenas 2024 BPS Kuningan officers

January 24, 2024 | BPS Activities

One of the survey activities carried out by the Central Statistics Agency whose results and analysis are eagerly awaited not only by the government, but also by all stakeholders and BPS data users is the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas).

Susenas is implemented by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to produce various indicators in the Social and Economic fields such as education, health, household expenditure, etc. The Susenas results data are also used as the main basis for development planning that will be implemented by the government, especially regarding the social and economic conditions of the community. Several other important outputs produced from SUSENAS include the Poverty Rate and its components and the Human Development Index (HDI) and its components.

Today, Wednesday, January 24 2024, BPS Kuningan Regency carried out training for 50 field officers who will carry out the March 2024 Susenas Enumeration, consisting of 33 Field Enumerators (PCL) and 17 Supervisory/Inspection Officers (PML). PCL all come from Statistics partners, while PML mostly comes from BPS Organic Employees. However, due to the limited number of organic employee resources in BPS Kuningan Regency, where some employees have been assigned as supervisors in other surveys (Sakernas and Seruti), some of the Susenas PMLs were taken from BPS Partners who were often involved and experienced in Susenas.

This year's Susenas training method was carried out in a hybrid manner by meeting online via zoom meetings for three days and face-to-face meetings for one day. In the online training, which was held on 24 - 26 January 2024, after participating in the opening plenary training activities, the training participants were then divided into two classes via breakout rooms.

In the breakout room / class A, the person serving as Regional Instructor is Mr. Asep Hermansyah, S.ST from Regional Accounts Function and Statistical Analysis, where in this class there are 23 participants consisting of 7 participants from Organic BPS Kuningan and 16 participants from Mitra Statistics . Meanwhile, Mrs. Anisah, S.Si from the Social Statistics Function was assigned to be a Regional Instructor in Class B, which consisted of 5 participants from BPS Organic Employees and 21 participants from Statistical Partners.

The main objective of implementing the Susenas Field Officer training is to provide provision and understanding of the material as well as common concepts and definitions for field officers. It is hoped that during the implementation of the field census the error rate can be minimized so that the Susenas data results can truly reflect the socio-economic conditions of the community.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuningan (Statistics of Kuningan Regency)Jl.R.E. Martadinata No. 66 - Cijoho

Kuningan 45513

Jawa Barat - Indonesia

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