Implementation of the Kuningan Regency PADI BPS Area Sample Framework - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Implementation of the Kuningan Regency PADI BPS Area Sample Framework

Implementation of the Kuningan Regency PADI BPS Area Sample Framework

January 26, 2024 | BPS Activities

The methodology for collecting data on food crop productivity, especially rice, which is the staple food commodity of the Indonesian population, has changed in recent years from the conventional method through interviews with respondents who work as rice farmers to the method of direct observation of rice fields using satellite image technology.

Area Sampling Frame is a data collection method using technology to produce more accurate, objective and real time rice harvest area estimation data. Area Sample Frame (KSA) whose data collection process uses satellites and software. Through this method, the agricultural statistical data collected is expected to be more accurate and timely compared to using conventional methods. From the observation values recorded by KSA officers, they will later determine when the estimated harvest will be, and at which observation point will be harvested. This activity was collaborated with the Ubinan officers themselves, as well as appointed officers from the agricultural service.

Application of the latest technology-based KSA method. The technology used in KSA is an Android cellphone that has the KSA application installed to photograph and determine the rice growth phase. The coordinates of the selected observation point are locked so that to be able to take photos, officers must actually go to the location. Implementation of the KSA survey on the last 7 days of each month of observation.

In Kuningan Regency, the implementation of Rice KSA is carried out in almost all sub-districts with different observation sample sizes for each sub-district. As carried out by two KSA BPS Kuningan officers, namely Mr. Eko Darkim who served in Subang District and Mr. Muslim who served in Lebakwangi District. On a regular basis, these KSA officers carry out observation duties on selected samples in their respective sub-districts.

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