Visit of the Kuningan University Student Executive Board (BEM). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Visit of the Kuningan University Student Executive Board (BEM).

Visit of the Kuningan University Student Executive Board (BEM).

April 18, 2024 | Other Activities

On Thursday, April 18 2024, the Kuningan Regency Central Statistics Agency received a visit from the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Kuningan University. BEM Uniku's visit aims to take a closer look at the performance and data processing procedures at BPS Kuningan Regency as well as to provide learning and additional insight into the stages of BPS activities in collecting data, carrying out data processing and the stages of preparation and analysis as well as publication of BPS activities.

The three student representatives were received directly by the Head of the General Sub-Section of BPS Kuningan Regency, Mr. Aditya Rizqi, SE. Next, at the Integrated Statistics Service Room (PST) BPS Kuningan Regency, Mr. Asep Hermansyah, S.ST. from the Function of Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis (Nerwilis) BPS Kuningan Regency received and provided detailed explanations regarding procedures and various stages of activities as well as types of publications by BPS Kuningan Regency.

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