February Routine Meeting and Internalization of DTSEN and SE2026 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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February Routine Meeting and Internalization of DTSEN and SE2026

February Routine Meeting and Internalization of DTSEN and SE2026

February 28, 2025 | Other Activities

Sampurasun Sobat Data, Today, Friday, February 28, 2025, BPS Kuningan Regency will again carry out the February 2025 Routine Meeting activities. In addition to the Meeting Event, the Internalization of the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTSEN) and the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026) was also carried out to all organic employees of BPS Kuningan Regency.

Located in the BPS Hall of Kuningan Regency, the event was opened with a presentation from Mrs. Irna Afrianti as the Head of BPS Kuningan Regency related to the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTSEN). He conveyed to the employees that this DTSEN is a collaboration between BPS and the Ministry of Social Affairs. This DTSEN is a combination of 3 types of socio-economic data, namely Regsosek, DTKS, and P3KE which is validated with population data in the Disdukcapil.

In addition, he advised all employees to supervise & assist Ground Check activities that will be carried out by PKH Assistance Officers from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

After that, the event continued with a presentation from the Statistician of BPS Associate Experts of Kuningan Regency, Mrs. Beti Yayu Yuningsih related to the 2026 Economic Census. He said that one of the preparations for SE2026 is the SBR (Statistical Business Register). SBR is used to prepare the Economic Census, such as to update business directories.

In addition, he also expressed his highest appreciation to the SBR Profilers who have carried out SBR Profiling with quite good achievement progress so that BPS Kuningan Regency becomes one of the Task Forces with the highest SBR Profiling Achievements.

SBR profiling is an activity to update the data of economic units registered in the Statistical Business Register (SBR). SBR is a list of economic units that are structured and updated periodically in a region.

Thus information about the activities of the February Routine Meeting and the Internalization of DTSEN and SE2026 BPS Kuningan Regency. Hopefully, with this Internalization activity, it can increase the knowledge and insight of all BPS employees of Kuningan Regency.
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