Report and Coordination of Regsosek Mandirancan Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Report and Coordination of Regsosek Mandirancan Subdistrict

Report and Coordination of Regsosek Mandirancan Subdistrict

September 8, 2022 | Other Activities

Starting a series of preparatory activities for the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection in Mandirancan District, Mrs. Aryanthi Sifanurani, A.Md who was assigned as the Mandirancan District Census Coordinator (Koseka) in this activity, today Thursday, September 8, 2022, met directly with the Mandirancan sub-district head, Mr Sriwaluya Suparman, S.IP, M.Pd, to conduct activity reports, request recommendations in terms of recruitment of candidates for Regsosek 2022 officers.

In this coordination, it was conveyed about the need for Regsosek officers in Mandirancan District as many as 45 people consisting of 35 Field Enumerators (PCL), 9 Field Inspectors (PML) and a District Census Coordinator (Koseka).

for the Koseka position it is directly filled by organic employees assigned by the Kuningan Regency BPS, while PML and PML are expected to come from the local village or sub-district, be it village officials or community leaders or recommended cadres or get a letter of assignment from the local village and or sub-district.

The basis for consideration of the allocation of the number of officers is based on the number of families in an enumeration area. Based on instructions from the Central BPS that the workload of a PCL is around 250 families, which is expected to be completed in one month.

For PML, they have the workload to supervise and check the work of 4 PCLs or about 1000 families. while Koseka's workload is 8 PML.

On that occasion, Koseka asked for support and assistance from the Mandirancan sub-district head to be able to disseminate information regarding the implementation of the 2022 Regsosek to village officials in the Mandirancan sub-district.

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