Socialization of the Issuance of Credit Score Assessments for Functional Officials - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuningan Regency

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Socialization of the Issuance of Credit Score Assessments for Functional Officials

Socialization of the Issuance of Credit Score Assessments for Functional Officials

March 7, 2024 | Other Activities

In 2023 and 2024 there will be several changes in the performance assessment system for BPS employees, especially those who occupy functional positions. As is known, with the downsizing and restructuring of the BPS Organization and Personnel, in the district/city Central Statistics Agency there are now only two structural positions, namely the Head of BPS which is held by an echelon III employee and the Head of the General Subdivision which is held by an echelon IV employee. In addition, the position of section head has been transferred to a functional young expert employee.

The next change is the procedure for assessing employee performance, especially functional officials, where previously performance assessment was based on DP3 and the List of Proposals for Submitting Credit Scores (DUPAK), so since 2023 the assessment mechanism uses the KippApp application.

In order to improve performance, socialize the use of the KipApp application and Credit Score Assessment Conversion (PAK) for functional officials, on Thursday, March 7 2024, the majority of functional officials at BPS Kuningan Regency took part in the Socialization of Credit Score Issuance (Conversion) for Officials Functional, carried out by BPS West Java Province online via zoom meeting media and the BPS West Java Province you tube channel.

At BPS Kuningan Regency, this socialization event was watched and listened to together in the Agro Room of BPS Kuningan Regency, led directly by Mr. Aditia Rizki, S.Si. as Head of the General Subdivision of BPS Kuningan Regency. It is hoped that through this outreach activity, all Kuningan Regency BPS employees, especially those who have functional positions, can better understand the assessment mechanism for their individual performance.

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